Tuesday, May 7, 2013

TUESDAY, MAY 7th Action Alert!

Good news means there's lots more work to do!  HB 741 (pump at work) was set for Wednesday for a vote!  Unfortunately, HB 1706 (right to breastfeed) has not yet been set.  We've been told it's not necessarily too late, although even if it's set, they may run out of time before they get to it. 

The action plan for today is to send emails, make phone calls, and visit legislators - somewhat the same, but more people to call.

You can make contact even if you already have.  Just let them know it matters so much to you that you would contact them again. 

You can make contact no matter where you live.  We are all stakeholders in breastfeeding legislation.

You can make more than one form of contact.  Yes - it's ok to email and then call, too.

There's a lot of info here, so there are different colors for the different actions.  Just scroll from color to color - from EMAILS to PHONE CALLS to VISITS.


Copy and paste the following email addresses into the "To" section of your email:

Alma.Allen@house.state.tx.us, Roberto.Alonzo@house.state.tx.us, Carol.Alvarado@house.state.tx.us, Rafael.Anchia@house.state.tx.us, Charles.Anderson@house.state.tx.us, Trent.Ashby@house.state.tx.us, Jimmie.Aycock@house.state.tx.us, Cecil.Bell@house.state.tx.us, Dwayne.Bohac@house.state.tx.us, Dennis.Bonnen@house.state.tx.us, Greg.Bonnen@house.state.tx.us, Dan.Branch@house.state.tx.us, Cindy.Burkett@house.state.tx.us, Lon.Burnam@house.state.tx.us, Angie.Button@house.state.tx.us, bill.callegari@house.state.tx.us, Terry.Canales@house.state.tx.us, Giovanni.Capriglione@house.state.tx.us, Stefani.Carter@house.state.tx.us, Travis.Clardy@house.state.tx.us, Garnet.Coleman@house.state.tx.us, Nicole.Collier@house.state.tx.us, Byron.Cook@house.state.tx.us, Philip.Cortez@house.state.tx.us, Tom.Craddick@house.state.tx.us, Brandon.Creighton@house.state.tx.us, Myra.Crownover@house.state.tx.us, Tony.Dale@house.state.tx.us, 

Drew.Darby@house.state.tx.us, John.Davis@house.state.tx.us, Sarah.Davis@house.state.tx.us, Yvonne.Davis@house.state.tx.us, joe.deshotel@house.state.tx.us, Dawnna.Dukes@house.state.tx.us, Harold.Dutton@house.state.tx.us, craig.eiland@house.state.tx.us, Gary.Elkins@house.state.tx.us, Pat.Fallon@house.state.tx.us, Joe.Farias@house.state.tx.us, Marsha.Farney@house.state.tx.us, Jessica.Farrar@house.state.tx.us, Allen.Fletcher@house.state.tx.us, Dan.Flynn@house.state.tx.us, James.Frank@house.state.tx.us, John.Frullo@house.state.tx.us, Charlie.Geren@house.state.tx.us, Helen.Giddings@house.state.tx.us, Craig.Goldman@house.state.tx.us, Larry.Gonzales@house.state.tx.us, Mary.Gonzalez@house.state.tx.us, Naomi.Gonzalez@house.state.tx.us, Lance.Gooden@house.state.tx.us, bobby.guerra@house.state.tx.us, Ryan.Guillen@house.state.tx.us, Roland.Gutierrez@house.state.tx.us, Patricia.Harless@house.state.tx.us, linda.harperbrown@house.state.tx.us, Ana.Hernandez@house.state.tx.us, Abel.Herrero@house.state.tx.us, Harvey.Hilderbran@house.state.tx.us, Donna.Howard@house.state.tx.us, Dan.Huberty@house.state.tx.us, Bryan.Hughes@house.state.tx.us, Todd.Hunter@house.state.tx.us, Jason.Isaac@house.state.tx.us, Eric.Johnson@house.state.tx.us, Kyle.Kacal@house.state.tx.us, James.Keffer@house.state.tx.us, Ken.King@house.state.tx.us, Phil.King@house.state.tx.us, Susan.King@house.state.tx.us, Tracy.King@house.state.tx.us, Tim.Kleinschmidt@house.state.tx.us, Stephanie.Klick@house.state.tx.us, Lois.Kolkhorst@house.state.tx.us, Matt.Krause@house.state.tx.us, John.Kuempel@house.state.tx.us, Lyle.Larson@house.state.tx.us, Jodie.Laubenberg@house.state.tx.us, George.Lavender@house.state.tx.us, Jeff.Leach@house.state.tx.us, Tryon.Lewis@house.state.tx.us, Oscar.Longoria@house.state.tx.us, jose.lozano@house.state.tx.us, Marisa.Marquez@house.state.tx.us, Armando.Martinez@house.state.tx.us, Trey.Martinez.Fischer@house.state.tx.us, Ruth.Jones.McClendon@house.state.tx.us, Jose.Menendez@house.state.tx.us, Borris.Miles@house.state.tx.us, Doug.Miller@house.state.tx.us, Rick.Miller@house.state.tx.us, Joe.Moody@house.state.tx.us, Geanie.Morrison@house.state.tx.us, Sergio.Munoz@house.state.tx.us, Jim.Murphy@house.state.tx.us, Elliott.Naishtat@house.state.tx.us, Poncho.Nevarez@house.state.tx.us, Rene.Oliveira@house.state.tx.us, Rob.Orr@house.state.tx.us, John.Otto@house.state.tx.us, Chris.Paddie@house.state.tx.us, Tan.Parker@house.state.tx.us, Diane.Patrick@house.state.tx.us, MaryAnn.Perez@house.state.tx.us, Charles.Perry@house.state.tx.us, Larry.Phillips@house.state.tx.us, Joe.Pickett@house.state.tx.us, Jim.Pitts@house.state.tx.us, Four.Price@house.state.tx.us, John.Raney@house.state.tx.us, Bennett.Ratliff@house.state.tx.us, Richard.Raymond@house.state.tx.us, rraymondtx@aol.com, Ron.Reynolds@house.state.tx.us, Debbie.Riddle@house.state.tx.us, Allan.Ritter@house.state.tx.us, Eddie.Rodriguez@house.state.tx.us, Justin.Rodriguez@house.state.tx.us, Toni.Rose@house.state.tx.us, Scott.Sanford@house.state.tx.us, Matt.Schaefer@house.state.tx.us, Kenneth.Sheets@house.state.tx.us, j.d.sheffield@house.state.tx.us, Ralph.Sheffield@house.state.tx.us, Ron.Simmons@house.state.tx.us, David.Simpson@house.state.tx.us, Wayne.Smith@house.state.tx.us, John.Smithee@house.state.tx.us, Drew.Springer@house.state.tx.us, Phil.Stephenson@house.state.tx.us, Jonathan.Stickland@house.state.tx.us, Mark.Strama@house.state.tx.us, Joe.Straus@house.state.tx.us, Van.Taylor@house.state.tx.us, Ed.Thompson@house.state.tx.us, Senfronia.Thompson@house.state.tx.us, Steve.Toth@house.state.tx.us, Chris.Turner@house.state.tx.us, Scott.Turner@house.state.tx.us, Sylvester.Turner@house.state.tx.us, Jason.Villalba@house.state.tx.us, Michael.Villarreal@house.state.tx.us, Hubert.Vo@house.state.tx.us, Armando.Walle@house.state.tx.us, James.White@house.state.tx.us, Paul.Workman@house.state.tx.us, Gene.Wu@house.state.tx.us,  Bill.Zedler@house.state.tx.us, John.Zerwas@house.state.tx.us, Brian.Birdwell@senate.state.tx.us, Donna.Campbell@senate.state.tx.us, John.Carona@senate.state.tx.us, Wendy.Davis@senate.state.tx.us, bob.deuell@senate.state.tx.us, Robert.Duncan@senate.state.tx.us, Rodney.Ellis@senate.state.tx.us, Kevin.Eltife@senate.state.tx.us, Craig.Estes@senate.state.tx.us, Troy.Fraser@senate.state.tx.us, Sylvia.Garcia@senate.state.tx.us, Kelly.Hancock@senate.state.tx.us, Glenn.Hegar@senate.state.tx.us, Juan.Hinojosa@senate.state.tx.us, Joan.Huffman@senate.state.tx.us, Eddie.Lucio@senate.state.tx.us, Jane.Nelson@senate.state.tx.us, Robert.Nichols@senate.state.tx.us, Dan.Patrick@senate.state.tx.us, Ken.Paxton@senate.state.tx.us, Jose.Rodriguez@senate.state.tx.us, Charles.Schwertner@senate.state.tx.us, Kel.Seliger@senate.state.tx.us, Larry.Taylor@senate.state.tx.us, Carlos.Uresti@senate.state.tx.us, Leticia.VandePutte@senate.state.tx.us, Kirk.Watson@senate.state.tx.us, Royce.West@senate.state.tx.us, John.Whitmire@senate.state.tx.us, Tommy.Williams@senate.state.tx.us, Judith.Zaffirini@senate.state.tx.us, USBFLeg@gmail.com
Then choose one of the following five sample emails below (in black) and copy and paste it into the body of your email.  Please personalize it as much as you can take the time to do (but better sent generic than not sent at all - just change anything in ALL CAPS).  As you personalize your email, consider the following:

  • Begin by introducing yourself as a constituent, IF you are a Texas resident. Find your district number here. If you are writing on behalf of a group, please identify yourself here ("Member of Texas Breastfeeding Coalition", "Secretary of IBCLCs of Dallas", etc)

  • Keep it short (two paragraphs). 

  • If you have been affected by discrimination for nursing in public or a lack of support for pumping at work, relate this very briefly. 

  • Ask that the legislator do whatever (s)he can to convince the Calendars Committee to set HB 1706 for a date on the House floor ASAP and to support both bills by voting for them.  

  • Ask for a written response on the Representative's position on the bill. That way a staffer has to do some research and the member has to sign a letter with a position on it. 

  • Make certain that letters are not antagonistic or accusatory.

  • Please include with your signature (for Texans only - out of state supporters please just sign your name and phone number):

  1. Name
  2. Physical Address
  3. Zip Code
  4. Phone Number(s)
  5. Your organization if you are writing on behalf of a group ("Member of Texas Breastfeeding Coalition", "Secretary of IBCLCs of Dallas", etc)
If you are writing on behalf of a group, such as Texas local breastfeeding coalitions, Texas IBCLC clubs, Texas chapter of AAP, Texas Baby Friendly folks, Texas Mother Friendly folks, parenting groups, etc. please consider the following:
Letters should begin with an introduction of your group. They should talk about health benefits of BF, how you support BF in your community, and HB 1706 and HB 741. Letters from a mom should be personalized from the mom's point of view, but these letters should be personalized from the organization's view. These letters can be more lengthy than the 2 paragraph max for letters from individuals (but still somewhat brief).
Please make clear that you represent constituents outside of just your zip code, if that is the case.  Please give an idea of how many people are in your group, and/or how many people your group serves.
Example #1 

Dear Legislator, 

I hope this email finds you well. As a resident of (DISTRICT #, REGION, OR TEXAS AND MEMBER OF ORGANIZATION), I’m writing to ask for your support of House Bill 741, authored by Rep. Walle and coauthored by Rep. Hernandez Luna. This uncontroversial bill passed unanimously out of the Business and Industry Committee. HB 741 is on the schedule for vote on Wednesday, 5/8.  For many breastfeeding moms that plan on returning to work, the worries of continuing to breastfeed while away from their baby lead to many sleepless nights. While Section 7(r) of the Fair Labor Standards Act (Break Time for Nursing Mothers Provision) provides moms who are non-exempt employees protection to pump at work, it does not cover all working, breastfeeding moms.  Texas House Bill 741 will extend current work-site pumping protections to salaried public employees so that they can contribute to the work force while still providing their babies with breastmilk.  I would be grateful for a written response letting me know your position on HB 741.

HB 1706 will strengthen Health and Safety Code 165.002, a law that asserts a mother's right to nurse her baby in public.  This law is regularly violated, and the fear of a confrontation serves as a barrier to breastfeeding for many women.  If it is to see a vote, it must be set today for early on Thursday's calendar.  Please do all you can to ensure that it is set and give it your vote on the House floor.

Thank you for your time.



Example #2 


I hope this email finds you well. I am a mother who resides in the State of Texas (OR BE SPECIFIC ABOUT DISTRICT/REGION IF IT IS THIS LEGISLATOR'S) and I’m writing to ask for your support of House Bill 741, authored by Rep. Walle and coauthored by Rep. Hernandez Luna. This uncontroversial bill passed unanimously out of the Business and Industry Committee. HB 741 is on the schedule for vote on Wednesday, 5/8.  While hourly public employees have reasonable accommodations to express breastmilk at work, salaried public employees are currently exempt.  Many moms stop breastfeeding after they return to work due to lack of employer support. Texas House Bill 741 will extend current work-site pumping protections to salaried public employees so that they can contribute to the work force while still providing their babies with breastmilk.

Breastmilk is the ideal food for newborns and infants. It gives infants all the nutrients they need for healthy development. It is safe and contains antibodies that help protect infants from common childhood illnesses - such as diarrhea and pneumonia, the two primary causes of child mortality worldwide. Breastmilk is readily available and affordable, which helps to ensure that infants get adequate sustenance (World Health Organization, 2012).  HB 1706 will address another barrier to breastfeeding, a fear of nursing in public.  We have a law that asserts a mother's right, but does not protect it, and it is frequently violated.  Please contact the Calndars Committee and ask them to set HB 1706 for early Thursday to give you a chance to vote for it.

I would very much appreciate a written response explaining your position on House Bills 741 and 1706.  I would welcome the chance to further discuss the importance of community support and breastfeeding! 

Thank you for your time and support,


Example #3 


I'm a new mother in (CITY/DISTRICT/REGION, TX, AND ORGANIZATION IF ANY) and I breastfeed my baby and I’m writing to ask for your support of House Bill 741, authored by Rep. Walle and coauthored by Rep. Hernandez Luna. This uncontroversial bill passed unanimously out of the Business and Industry Committee. HB 741 is on the schedule for vote on Wednesday, 5/8. HB 741 will extend work site accommodations to salaried public employees, which are already afforded to hourly employees.  Breastfeeding rates of initiation are around 80%, however, as women return to work and are unsupported in their efforts to express breastmilk for their babies, breastfeeding rates drop dramatically.  This is a public health issue.  Increased breastfeeding rates will save lives and a lot of money. 

Another way in which mother's need support is to protect their right to breastfeed their babies in public.  Health and Safety Code 165.002 is frequently violatedA law which is flouted with impunity weakens the rule of law.  HB 1706 would strengthen existing law.  Please contact the Calendars Chairman and ask that it be set early on Thursday's calendar to ensure that you can vote for it.

Please support these bills, and support Texas mothers and babies. 

Thank you, 

NAME and son/daughter NAME (NUMBER OF months)

Example #4  


I am a constituent of district (DISTRICT NUMBER AND ORGANIZATION IF ANY) and breastfed/am breastfeeding my child(ren). I’m writing to ask for your support of House Bill 741, authored by Rep. Walle and coauthored by Rep. Hernandez Luna. This uncontroversial bill passed unanimously out of the Business and Industry Committee. HB 741 is on the schedule for vote on Wednesday, 5/8.  HB 741 will support mothers who return to work in their efforts to continue to provide breastmilk for their babies by providing reasonable accommodations to salaried public employees that are already afforded hourly employees.  While the great State of Texas already recognizes breastfeeding as the best method of infant nutrition, there are no laws in place to support an exempt public employee that wishes to continue breastfeeding after returning to work.

HB 1706, if set early on Thursday's calendar, will go a long way to reducing discrimination regularly faced by women whose right to nurse their babies in public is violated frequently.  Please contact the Calendars Committee chairman and ask that HB 1706 be set so that you may vote to support the health and rights of mothers and babies.  I would very much appreciate a written response regarding your position on House Bills 741 and 1706




Example #5

Dear Legislator,

I am a breastfeeding mother living in (DISTRICT #, REGION, OR TEXAS, AND ORGANIZATION IF ANY) and it has come to my attention that House Bill 741, authored by Rep. Walle and co-authored by Rep. Hernandez Luna, is to be voted on this Wednesday, 5/8. I’m writing to ask for your support of House Bill 741.  While breastfeeding in Texas has a high initiation rate, there is a large drop around the time moms return to work. Many moms stop breastfeeding due to a lack of support from their employers. While federal law requires that working mothers paid on an hourly basis receive reasonable breaks for pumping and a space in which to pump, there is no such protection for salaried public employees, such as teachers. HB 741 would extend current pump at work laws to all state public employees, including salaried employees.

Another bill, HB 1706, would educate and enforce an existing law that has been on the books since 1995 and asserts a mother's right to nurse her baby in public.  This is a vital right, as mothers must go to the grocery store and run errands, and babies must eat every couple of hours.  Please contact the Calendars chair and urge him to set HB 1706 early Thursday.  I ask that you help us to support these pieces of legislation so that we can give our children the best possible nutrition without fear of harassment; so mothers won't be forced to choose between their babies and their jobs.  I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss this important public health issue, and I hope to receive a written reply with your position on the bills.  Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards,



We MUST be courteous in all communications.  Even if the staffer you talk to is cold - even out and out rude - no matter what, be respectful.

1. Please begin by calling Rep. Hunter, Chair of Calendars Committee.  Ask him to set HB 1706 (strengthening of right-to-breastfeed) first thing on Thursday's calendar. 
(512) 463-0672
2. Rep. Button - she is on Calendars but has not said if she will support the bills.  Ask her to.
(512) 463-0486

3. Speaker of the House, Rep. Joe Strauss.  Ask to speak to the Chief of Staff or to Jonathan.  Ask them to set HB 1706 early Thursday, and to do anything they can to support HBs 1706 and 741.
(512) 463-1000

4. Call more reps!  

The list below does not include Business and Industry or Calendars Committee members, as they have shown the bills support.

If you are not a Texas resident, start by calling Republicans.  While breastfeeding is bi-partisan, conservatives will be more hesitant about placing regulations on businesses, and they are in the majority.

Call your own rep if you reside in Texas, then any districts that are close to yours, particularly conservatives (use the district numbers as a guide - they're not necessarily logical but they are to a degree)Find your rep here: http://www.house.state.tx.us/members/find-your-representative/

Please leave a comment listing who you called, so that we can be sure all reps are being called.  If you are told that a rep does or does not support either bill, please note this in the comments. 
Name (Party)   District #   Phone Number

Alma A. Allen (D) 131 463-0744

Rafael Anchia (D) 103 463-0746

Charles "Doc" Anderson (R) 56    463-0135

Trent Ashby (R) 57    463-0508

Jimmie Don Aycock (R) 54    463-0684

Cecil Bell (R) 3   463-0650

Dennis H. Bonnen (R) 25   463-0564

Greg Bonnen (R) 24    463-0729

Cindy Burkett (R) 113    463-0464

Lon Burnam (D) 90    463-0740

Angie Chen Button (R) 112    463-0486

William A. "Bill" Callegari (R) 132    463-0528

Terry Canales (D) 40    463-0426

Giovanni Capriglione (R) 98    463-0690

Stefani Carter (R) 102    463-0454

Travis Clardy (R) 11    463-0592

Garnet Coleman (D) 147     463-0524

Nicole Collier (D) 95    463-0716

Philip Cortez (D) 117    463-0269

Tom Craddick (R) 82    463-0500

Brandon Creighton (R) 16    463-0726

Tony Dale (R) 136    463-0696

Drew Darby (R) 72    463-0331

John E. Davis (R) 129    463-0734

Yvonne Davis (D) 111    463-0598

Joseph "Joe" Deshotel (D) 22    463-0662

Dawnna M. Dukes (D) 46    463-0506 

Harold V. Dutton (D) 142    463-0510

Gary Elkins (R) 135    463-0722

Pat Fallon (R) 106    463-0694

Joe Farias (D) 118    463-0714

Marsha Farney (R) 20    463-0309

Jessica Farrar (D) 148    463-0620

Allen Fletcher (R) 130    463-0661

Dan Flynn (R) 2    463-0880

James Frank (R) 69    463-0534

Charlie L. Geren (R) 99    463-0610

Craig Goldman (R) 97    463-0608

Larry Gonzales (R) 52    463-0670

Mary E. Gonzalez (D) 75    463-0613

Naomi Gonzalez (D) 76    463-0622

Lance Gooden (R) 4    463-0458

Robert Guerra (D) 41    463-0578

Ryan Guillen (D) 31    463-0416

Roland Gutierrez (D) 119    463-0452

Patricia F. Harless (R) 126    463-0496

Linda Harper-Brown (R) 105    463-0641

Ana Hernandez Luna (D) 143    463-0614

Abel Herrero (D) 34    463-0462

Harvey Hilderbran (R) 53    463-0536

Donna Howard (D) 48    463-0631

Dan Huberty (R) 127    463-0520

Bryan Hughes (R) 5    463-0271

Jason A. Isaac (R) 45    463-0647

Eric Johnson (D) 100    463-0586

Kyle J. Kacal (R) 12    463-0412

James L. "Jim" Keffer (R) 60    463-0656

Ken King (R) 88    463-0736

Phil S. King (R) 61    463-0738

Susan King (R) 71    463-0718

Tracy O. King (D) 80    463-0194

Tim Kleinschmidt (R) 17    463-0682

Stephanie Klick (R) 91    463-0599

Lois W. Kolkhorst (R) 13    463-0600

Matt Krause (R) 93    463-0562

Lyle Larson (R) 122    463-0646

Jodie Laubenberg (R) 89    463-0186

George Lavender (R) 1    463-0692

Jeff Leach (R) 67    463-0544

Tryon D. Lewis (R) 81    463-0546

Oscar Longoria (D) 35    463-0645

J.M. Lozano (R) 43    463-0463

Marisa Marquez (D) 77    463-0638

Armando A. "Mando" Martinez (D) 39    463-0530

Trey Martinez Fischer (D) 116    463-0616

Ruth Jones McClendon (D) 120    463-0708

Jose Menendez (D) 124    463-0634

Borris L. Miles (D) 146    463-0518 

Doug Miller (R) 73   463-0325

Rick Miller (R) 26   463-0710

Joe Moody (D) 78    463-0728

Geanie W. Morrison (R) 30   463-0456

Sergio Muñoz (D) 36   463-0704 

Jim Murphy (R) 133    463-0514

Elliott Naishtat (D) 49    463-0668

Poncho Nevarez (D) 74    463-0566

Rob D. Orr (R) 58    463-0538 

John C. Otto (R) 18    463-0570

Chris Paddie (R) 9    463-0556

Tan Parker (R) 63    463-0688

Diane Patrick (R) 94    463-0624

Mary Ann Perez (D) 144    463-0460

Charles Perry (R) 83    463-0542

Larry Phillips (R) 62    463-0297

Joseph C. "Joe" Pickett (D) 79    463-0596

Jim Pitts (R) 10    463-0516

Four Price (R) 87    463-0470

John Raney (R) 14    463-0698

Bennett Ratliff (R) 115    463-0468

Richard Peña Raymond (D) 42    463-0558

Ron Reynolds (D) 27    463-0494 

Debbie Riddle (R) 150    463-0572

Allan B. Ritter (R) 21    463-0706

Justin Rodriguez (D) 125    463-0669

Toni Rose (D) 110    463-0664

Scott Sanford (R) 70    463-0356

Matt Schaefer (R) 6    463-0584

Kenneth Sheets (R) 107    463-0244

J.D. Sheffield (R) 59    463-0628

Ralph Sheffield (R) 55    463-0630

Ron Simmons (R) 65    463-0478 

David Simpson (R) 7    463-0750

Wayne Smith (R) 128    463-0733

John T. Smithee (R) 86    463-0702

Drew Springer (R) 68    463-0526

Phil Stephenson (R) 85   463-0604

Jonathan Stickland (R) 92    463-0522

Mark Strama (D) 50   463-0821 

Van Taylor (R) 66    463-0594

Ed Thompson (R) 29   463-0707

Senfronia Thompson (D)    463-0720

Steve Toth (R) 15   463-0797

Chris Turner (D) 101   463-0574

Scott Turner (R) 33    463-0484

Sylvester Turner (D) 139    463-0554

Michael "Mike" Villarreal (D)    463-0532

Hubert Vo (D) 149    463-0568

James White (R) 19   463-0490

Gene Wu (D) 137   463-0492

William "Bill" Zedler (R) 96   463-0374

John Zerwas (R) 28   463-0657


If you can visit the Capitol, that will make a great impact.  Call 512.655.9647 to coordinate efforts.  A good place to park is at 1201 San Jacinto.  Dress business casual if you can.  It's fine to bring children.  And of course, be respectful and courteous.  The Capitol is at 1100 Congress Ave, Austin, TX.


  1. Ruth.Jones.McClendon@house.state.tx.us



    bounced back

    1. Thank you, Rachel. We're working on it. :)
