This may be your last opportunity to support these bills this session. If they are not set by the end of the day, they will not be on the last calendar, which will be printed tomorrow. We need help regardless of where you live, in the state or out of it.
Contacts which require the most effort make the greatest impact. If you can visit the calendars committee tomorrow, call 512.655.9647.
If you have already contacted the legislators, please do so again. Express that this is so important to you that you are contacting them again.
If you can take the time to call, that would help a great deal. Whomever you speak to, tell them why these bills are important to you personally. If you've had a NIP incident or lacked support at work, tell them your story. They know they're "the breastfeeding bills" - make sure they know what the bills are FOR. Click for info for calls.
After you call, please follow up with an email. Click for info on emails.
Please ask everyone you know to support these bills through action. Please share on social media. If we really and truly flood them with contacts - like Rep Riddle's office was when she said she wouldn't vote for HB 1706 - maybe they won't be able to ignore us. This is worse than one rep. opposing a bill. This is several elected officials blocking our bills from even seeing a vote.
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